W i l l i a m P o r t e r M c R ob e r t s M D


2005-2006 ACGME Interventional Spine and Pain Medicine Fellowship, Emory University 2001-2005: Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Residency, Loma Linda University 2001-2002: Internship: Internal Medicine, Loma Linda University
1997-2001: University of Kentucky School of Medicine
1995-1997: University of Kentucky Medical Anthropology
1989-1993: BA Anthropology and Sociology, Centre College, Danville Kentucky.
ABMS - American Board of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation through 2026
ABMS - Pain Medicine -American Board of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Through 2026 Fellow of the American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Employment/ Organizations:
Medical Director of Interventional Spine, Pain, Neurosurgery, Holy Cross Hospital December 2023– Present
Past Medical Director of Interventional Spine, Pain, Neurosurgery, Holy Cross Hospital, 2006-2017 ANODYNE RESEARCH PA, President 2014-present
Emory University
PM&R RESIDENCY 2002-2005 (Chief 2004-2005)
Loma Linda University Medical Center
Loma Linda University Medical Center
Loma Linda University
Loma Linda University
PROFESSIONAL CODE COMMITTEE 1999-2001: (Chair 2000-2001)
University of Kentucky Medical School
NIA, NATIONAL INSTITUTE ON AGING, ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE RESEARCHER 9/95 to 9/97 Sanders Brown Center on Aging, Lexington, Ky.
University of Kentucky Dept. of Orthopedics/Sports Medicine, Lexington, Ky.
University of Kentucky Dept. of Gynecological Oncology, Lexington
(FDA) Monitor: Food and Drug Administration, for TARGET post-approval Dorsal Root Ganglion Neuromodulation ACCURATE Study NCT02800863, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 (Completed)
Principal Investigator: CA-2015-04 US UEP Upper Extremity Pain With High Frequency Stimulation NEVRO, Senza EUP US Study, (Completed)

Principal Investigator: SPRINT: 0123-CSP-000-K: SPR Randomized, Double-Blinded, Placebo-
Controlled, Multicenter Pilot Study of the SPRINT Peripheral Nerve Stimulation (PNS) System for the Treatment of Post-Amputation Pain., (Completed)
Principal Investigator: Vertiflex PRESS Registry NCT04087811: Prospective Registry of Superion Interspinous Spacer Placement for Lumbar Spinal Stenosis, (Completed) 2021
Principal Investigator: US IDE: NCT02577354 ReActiv8 Implantable Neurostimulation System for Chronic Low Back Pain (ReActiv8-B) (Active, Not Recruiting)
Principal Investigator : US IDE: NCT02412735 Safety and Efficacy Study of Rexlemestrocel-L in Subjects With Chronic Discogenic Lumbar Back Pain (MSB-DR003), Mesoblast. (Completed)
Principal Investigator: Vertiflex Totalis STEPS Trial: A Prospective, Multi-center, Randomized Controlled Double-Blind Trial Evaluating the VertiFlex® TotalisTM Direct Decompression System Versus a Sham Surgical Procedure in Patients With Lumbar Spinal Stenosis. ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT02079038, (Completed)
Principal Investigator: US IDE: Neuros Medical, Inc. ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT02221934 Electrical Nerve Block for Amputation Pain. (Completed)
Principal Investigator: US IDE: Medtronic IND 104850 – “An Open-Label, Sequential, Dose Escalation Study of the Pharmacokinetics, Safety, and Preliminary Efficacy of MDT-15 in Subjects with Lumbosacral Radiculopathy.” (Completed)
Principal Investigator: US IDE: A Prospective, Randomized, Multi-Center, Controlled Clinical Trial to Assess the Safety and Efficacy of the Spinal ModulationTM AXIUMTM Neurostimulator System in the Treatment of Chronic Pain (ACCURATE Trial) (Completed)
Principal Investigator: US IDE: Study to Evaluate the Iovera° Device for Temporary Relief From Knee Pain. ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT02260921 (Completed)
National Principal Investigator: US IDE: SENSE: St Jude Neuromodulation Prospective Randomized Trial Hybrid Neuromodulation for Pain from Failed Back Surgery Syndrome. (Completed)
Principal Investigator: US IDE: Bioness StimRouter: Prospective, Multi-Center, Randomized, Double-Blinded, Partial Crossover Study to Assess the Safety and Efficacy of the Bioness® StimRouterTM Neuromodulation System in the Treatment for Patients With Chronic Pain of Peripheral Nerve Origin, (Completed)
Principal Investigator: MiDAS ECO: Mild Decompression Alternative to Open Surgery Epidural Steroid Injection Comparative Outcomes Study in patients Diagnosed with Moderate to Severe Lumbar Spinal Stenosis Exhibiting Neurogenic Claudication. (Completed)
Principal Investigator: St. Jude Neuromodulation: DEPTH: A retrospective ultrasound study of electrode depth in peripheral nerve field stimulation and analysis of cross-talk on field size with electrode configurations. (Completed)
Principal Investigator: St. Jude Neuromodulation: Prospective, Randomized, Controlled Trial: Peripheral Nerve Field Stimulation for the Management of Localized Chronic Intractable Back Pain, (Completed)
Principal Investigator: St. Jude Neuromodulation: IMPACT Retrospective Evaluation and Data Collection Study to Evaluate the Treatment of Chronic Pain Patients with Neurostimulation using a Combination of Epidural and Subcutaneous Peripheral Field Leads, (Completed)
Publications, Research, Invited Presentations, and Posters Citation Count (11/01/2023): 1650+ Citations
Peripheral Nerve Stimulation for Joint Pain: Peripheral Stimulation of the Saphenous and Superior Lateral Geniculate Nerves for Chronic Knee Pain – W. Porter McRoberts MD, International Neuromodulation Society Worldwide Webinar, 2023, Sep 07.
Deer T, Shah A, Slavin K, Vorenkamp KE, Shah S, Leong M, McRoberts WP. Birds of a Feather Redux: Defining Ways to Stimulate the Peripheral Nervous System. J Pain Research. 2023;16:1219-1224 https://doi.org/10.2147/JPR.S409158
Burgher A, Kosek P, Surrett S, Rosen SM, Bromberg T, Gulve A, Kansal A, Wu P, McRoberts WP, Udeshi A, Esposito M, Giller BE, Maneshi M, Rotte A, Subbaroyan J. Ten kilohertz SCS for Treatment of Chronic Upper Extremity Pain (UEP): Results from Prospective Observational Study. J Pain Res. 2020; 13: 2837– 2851.
Mekhail, N., Deer, T.R., Kramer, J., Poree, L., Amirdelfan, K., Grigsby, E., Staats, P., Burton, A.W., Burgher, A.H., Scowcroft, J., Golovac, S., Kapural, L., Paicius, R., Pope, J., Samuel, S., McRoberts, W.P., Schaufele, M., Kent, A.R., Raza, A. and Levy, R.M. (2020), Paresthesia-Free Dorsal Root Ganglion Stimulation: An ACCURATE Study Sub-Analysis. Neuromodulation: Technology at the Neural Interface, 23: 185-195.
Deer TR, Levy RM, Kramer J, Poree L, Amirdelfan K, Grigsby E, Staats P, Burgher AH, Scowcroft J, Golovac S, Kapural L, Paicius R, Pope JE, Samuel S, Porter McRoberts W, Schaufele M, Burton AW, Raza A, Agnesi F, Mekhail N. Comparison of Paresthesia Coverage of Patient's Pain: Dorsal Root Ganglion vs. Spinal Cord Stimulation. An ACCURATE Study Sub-Analysis. Neuromodulation. 2019 Dec;22(8):930-936. doi: 10.1111/ner.12920. Epub 2019 Jan 9. PMID: 30624003.
Levy RM, Mekhail N, Kramer J, Poree L, Amirdelfan K, Grigsby E, Staats P, Burton AW, Burgher AH, Scowcroft J, Golovac S, Kapural L, Paicius R, Pope J, Samuel S, McRoberts WP, Schaufele M, Kent AR, Raza A, Deer TR. Therapy Habituation at 12 Months: Spinal Cord Stimulation Versus Dorsal Root Ganglion Stimulation for Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Type I and II. J Pain. 2020 Mar-Apr;21(3-4):399-408. doi: 10.1016/j.jpain.2019.08.005. Epub 2019 Sep 5. PMID: 31494275.
Deer TR, Hunter CW, Mehta P, Sayed D, Grider JS, Lamer TJ, Pope JE, Falowski S, Provenzano DA, Esposito, MF, Slavin KV, Baranidharan G, Russo M, Jassal NS, Mogilner AY, Kapural L, Verrils P, Amirdelfan K, McRoberts WP, Harned ME, Chapman KB, Liem L, Carlson JD, Yang A, Aiyer R, Antony A, Fishman MA, Al-Kaisy AA, Christelis N, Levy RM, Mekhail N. A Systematic Literature Review of Dorsal Root Ganglion Neurostimulation for the Treatment of Pain. Pain Medicine, Volume 21, Issue 8, August 2020, Pages 1581–1589.
Deer TR, Esposito MF, McRoberts WP, Grider JS, Sayed D, Verrills P, Lamer TJ, Hunter CW, Slavin KV, Shah JM, Hagedorn JM, Simopoulos T, Gonzalez DA, Amirdelfan K, Jain S, Yang A, Aiyer R, Antony A, Azeem N, Levy RM, Mekhail N. A Systematic Literature Review of Peripheral Nerve Stimulation Therapies for the Treatment of Pain. Pain Med. 2020 Aug 1;21(8):1590-1603. doi: 10.1093/pm/pnaa030. PMID: 32803220.
McRoberts WP, Geiger M, Veldkamp A, A Retrospective, Multi-Center analysis of Direct, Percutaneous, Axial Nerve Stimulation for Post Stroke Shoulder Pain, Invited Poster: North American Neuromodulation Society Meeting, 2020.
Levy RM, Mekhail N, Kramer J, Poree L, Amirdelfan K, Grigsby E, Staats P, Burton AW, Burgher AH, Scowcroft J, Golovac S, Kapural L, Paicius R, Pope J, Samuel S, McRoberts WP, Schaufele M, Kent AR, Raza A, Deer TR. Therapy Habituation at 12 Months: Spinal Cord Stimulation Versus Dorsal Root Ganglion Stimulation for Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Type I and II.J Pain. 2019 Sep 5. pii: S1526-5900(18)30681-3. doi: 10.1016/j.jpain.2019.08.005.
Deer TR, Levy RM, Kramer J, Poree L, Amirdelfan K, Grigsby E, Staats P, Burgher AH, Scowcroft J, Golovac S, Kapural L, Paicius R, Pope JE, Samuel S, Porter McRoberts W, Schaufele M, Burton AW, Raza A, Agnesi F, Mekhail N (2019) Comparison of paresthesia coverage of patient's pain: dorsal root ganglion vs. spinal cord stimulation. An ACCURATE Study Sub-Analysis, Neuromodulation 22(8): 930–936.

Kapural L, Lee N, Badhey H, McRoberts WP, Jolly S. Splanchnic block at T11 provides a longer relief than celiac plexus block from nonmalignant, chronic abdominal pain. Pain Manag. 2019 Mar 1;9(2):115-121. doi: 10.2217/pmt-2018-0056. EPUB 2019 Jan 25. PMID: 30681022.
Pope JE, Deer TR, Falowski S, Provenzano D, Hanes M, Hayek SM, Amrani J, Carlson J, Skaribas I, Parchuri K, McRoberts WP, Bolash R, Haider N, Hamza M, Amirdelfan K, Graham S, Hunter C, Lee E, Li S, Yang M, Campos L, Costandi S, Levy R, Mekhail N. Multicenter Retrospective Study of Neurostimulation With Exit of Therapy by Explant. Neuromodulation. 2017 Aug;20(6):543-552. doi: 10.1111/ner.12634. 2017 Jul 17.
McRoberts WP, Trescot A, Kapural L, Apostol C, Abdul H. An Alternative to the Transforaminal Cervical Epidural: A Selective Dorsal Epidural. Pain Med. 2018 Feb 1;19(2):406-408.
McRoberts WP, Advanced Neurostimulation Techniques for Pain. Florida Academy of Pain Medicine Meeting 2017
McRoberts WP: Current Treatment of Lumbar Spinal Stenosis, Interspinous Spacer Neurosurgical Training Supervisor, Holy Cross Hospital March 31, 2017.
Amirdelfan K, Webster L, Poree L, Sukul V, McRoberts P. Treatment Options for Failed Back Surgery Syndrome Patients With Refractory Chronic Pain: An Evidence Based Approach. Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2017 Jul 15;42 Suppl 14:S41-S52.
Deer TR, Lamer TJ, Pope JE, Falowski SM, Provenzano DA, Slavin K, Golovac S, Arle J, Rosenow JM, Williams K, McRoberts WP, Narouze S, Eldabe S, Lad SP, De Andrés JA, Buchser E, Rigoard P, Levy RM, Simpson B, Mekhail N. The Neurostimulation Appropriateness Consensus Committee (NACC) Safety Guidelines for the Reduction of Severe Neurological Injury. Neuromodulation. 2017 Jan;20(1):15-30. doi: 10.1111/ner.12564. Epub 2017 Jan 2.
Deer TR, Narouze S, Provenzano DA, Pope JE, Falowski SM, Russo MA, Benzon H, Slavin K, Pilitsis JG, Alo K, Carlson JD, McRoberts WP, Lad SP, Arle J, Levy RM, Simpson B, Mekhail N. The Neurostimulation Appropriateness Consensus Committee (NACC): Recommendations on Bleeding and Coagulation Management in Neurostimulation Devices. Neuromodulation. 2017 Jan;20(1):51-62. doi: 10.1111/ner.12542. Epub 2017 Jan 2.
Deer TR, Pope JE, Hayek SM, Bux A, Buchser E, Eldabe S, De Andrés JA, Erdek M, Patin D, Grider JS, Doleys DM, Jacobs MS, Yaksh TL, Poree L, Wallace MS, Prager J, Rauck R, DeLeon O, Diwan S, Falowski SM, Gazelka HM, Kim P, Leong M, Levy RM, McDowell Ii G, McRoberts WP, Naidu R, Narouze S, Perruchoud C, Rosen SM, Rosenberg WS, Saulino M, Staats P, Stearns LJ, Willis D, Krames E, Huntoon M, Mekhail N. The Polyanalgesic Consensus Conference (PACC): Recommendations on Intrathecal Drug Infusion Systems Best Practices and Guidelines. Neuromodulation. 2017 Feb;20(2):96-132. doi: 10.1111/ ner.12538. Epub 2017 Jan 2.
Deer TR, Levy RL, Kramer J, Poree L, Amirdelfan K, Grigsby E, Staats P, Burton A, Burgher AH, Obray J, Sowcroft J, Golovac S, Kapural L, Paicius R, Kim C, Pope J, Yearwood T, Samuel S, McRoberts WP, Cassim H, Netherton M, Miller N, Schaufele M, Tavel E, Davis T, Davis K, Johnson L, Mekhail N. Dorsal root ganglion stimulation yielded higher treatment success rate for complex regional pain syndrome and causalgia at 3 and 12 months: a randomized comparative trial. PAIN: 2017 International Association for the Study of Pain
McRoberts WP, Apostol C, Haleem A. Intrathecal Bupivacaine Monotherapy with a Retrograde Catheter for the Management of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome of the Lower Extremity. Pain Physician. 2016 Sep- Oct;19(7):E1087-92.
McRoberts WP, Optimizing Stimulation in a Case of Facial Pain Through "Cross-Talk" of Peripheral and Central Leads: A Case Report., Neuromodulation. 2016 Dec;19(8):885-888. doi: 10.1111/ner.12443. Epub 2016 May 18.
Radiation Safety, Fellows Course, North American Neuromodulation Society National Meeting, Las Vegas
Neuromodulation Cadaver Course for Advanced Implantable Therapies: A Hands-On Cadaver Course for Residents and Fellows, Academic Faculty. North American Neuromodulation Society National Meeting, Las Vegas 2016-2017
Amirdelfan K, Simopoulos T, McRoberts WP, Treatment of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) with High Frequency Spinal Cord Stimulation (HF-SCS) at 10 kHz: A Retrospective Case Series. Poster, North American Neuromodulation Society National Meeting, Las Vegas 2016-2017
Pope JE, Deer TR, Hamza M, Hayek S, Amrani J, Carlson J, Falowski S, Skaribas I, Parchurri K, McRoberts WP, Bolash R, Haider N, Hanes M, Amirdelfan K, Graham S, Hunter C, Lee E, Li S, Yang M, Provenzano D, Mekhail N, Examining Reasons for Spinal Cord Stimulation Explant: A Retrospective Chart Review of 18 US Centers, Poster and Oral Presentation, North American Neuromodulation Society National Meeting, Las Vegas 2016-2017
McRoberts WP, Superion Interspinous Spacer Placement for the Treatment of Lumbar Spinal Stenosis: A Presentation of Prospective RCT 4 year Data, Breakfast Symposium, North American Neuromodulation Society National Meeting, Las Vegas 2016-2017
R.M. Levy, MD, PhD; T.R. Deer, MD; J Kramer, PhD; L. Poree, MD, PhD, MPH; K. Amirdelfan, MD; E. Grisby, MD; P. Staats, MD, A.W. Burton, MD; A.H. Burgher, MD; J. Obray, MD; J. Scowcroft, MD; S. Golovac, MD; L. Kapural, MD, PhD; R. Paicius, MD; C. Kim, MD; J. Pope, MD; T. Yearwood, MD, PhD; S. Samuel, MD; W. Porter McRoberts, MD; H. Cassim, DO; M. Netherton, MD; N. Miller, MD; M. Schaufele, MD; E.Tavel, MD; T. Davis, MD; L. Johnson, PhD; A. Raza, MPH; F. Agnesi, PhD; N. Mekhail, MD, PhD, Comparison of Pain Coverage and Excess Paresthesia Between SCS and DRG Stimulation: an ACCURATE Sub-study, Poster and Oral Presentation, North American Neuromodulation Society National Meeting, Las Vegas 2016-2017
R.M. Levy, MD, PhD; T.R. Deer, MD; J Kramer, PhD; L. Poree, MD, PhD, MPH; K. Amirdelfan, MD; E. Grisby, MD; P. Staats, MD, A.W. Burton, MD; A.H. Burgher, MD; J. Obray, MD; J. Scowcroft, MD; S. Golovac, MD; L. Kapural, MD, PhD; R. Paicius, MD; C. Kim, MD; J. Pope, MD; T. Yearwood, MD, PhD; S. Samuel, MD; W. Porter McRoberts, MD; H. Cassim, DO; M. Netherton, MD; N. Miller, MD; M. Schaufele, MD; E.Tavel, MD; T. Davis, MD; L. Johnson, PhD; A. Raza, MPH; F. Agnesi, PhD; N. Mekhail, MD, PhD; Comparison of Evoked Paresthesia Between SCS and DRG Stimulation: an ACCURATE Sub-study, Poster and Oral Presentation, North American Neuromodulation Society National Meeting, Las Vegas 2016-2017
L. Poree, MD, PhD, MPH; R.M. Levy, MD, PhD; T.R. Deer, MD; J Kramer, PhD; K. Amirdelfan, MD; E. Grisby, MD; P. Staats, MD, A.W. Burton, MD; A.H. Burgher, MD; J. Obray, MD; J. Scowcroft, MD; S. Golovac, MD; L. Kapural, MD, PhD; R. Paicius, MD; C. Kim, MD; J. Pope, MD; T. Yearwood, MD, PhD; S. Samuel, MD; W. Porter McRoberts, MD; H. Cassim, DO; M. Netherton, MD; N. Miller, MD; M. Schaufele, MD; E.Tavel, MD; T. Davis, MD; L. Johnson, PhD; A. Raza, MPH; F. Agnesi, PhD; N. Mekhail, MD, PhD, Comparison of SCS and DRG outcomes in Focal and Widespread Pain: an ACCURATE Sub-study. Poster and Oral Presentation, North American Neuromodulation Society National Meeting, Las Vegas 2016-2017
Timothy R. Deer, MD, Robert M. Levy, MD, PhD, Jeffrey Kramer, PhD, Lawrence Poree, MD, PhD, MPH, Kasra Amirdelfan, MD, Eric Grigsby, MD, Peter Staats, MD, Allen W Burton, MD, Abram H Burgher, MD, Jon Obray, MD, James Scowcroft, MD, Stan Golovac, MD, Leonardo Kapural, MD, PhD, Richard Paicius, MD, Christopher Kim, MD, Jason Pope, MD, Thomas Yearwood, MD, PhD, Sam Samuel, MD, W. Porter McRoberts, MD, Hazmer Cassim, DO, Mark Netherton, MD, Nathan Miller, MD,
Michael Schaufele, MD, Edward Tavel, MD, Timothy Davis, MD, Alexander R. Kent, PhD, Adil Raza, MS, Linda Johnson, PhD, Nagy Mekhail, MD, PhD, Paresthesia Versus Paresthesia-Free Dorsal Root Ganglion Stimulation: An ACCURATE Sub-Analysis. Poster and Oral Presentation, North American Neuromodulation Society National Meeting, Las Vegas 2016-2017
Nagy Mekhail, MD, PhD, Robert M. Levy, MD, PhD, Timothy R. Deer, MD, Jeffrey Kramer, PhD, Lawrence Poree, MD, PhD, MPH, Kasra Amirdelfan, MD, Eric Grigsby, MD, Peter Staats, MD, Allen W Burton, MD, Abram H Burgher, MD, Jon Obray, MD, James Scowcroft, MD, Stan Golovac, MD, Leonardo Kapural, MD, PhD, Richard Paicius, MD, Christopher Kim, MD, Jason Pope, MD, Thomas Yearwood, MD, PhD, Sam
Samuel, MD, W. Porter McRoberts, MD, Hazmer Cassim, DO, Mark Netherton, MD, Nathan Miller, MD, Michael Schaufele, MD, Edward Tavel, MD, Timothy Davis, MD, Alexander R. Kent, PhD, Adil Raza, MS,
Linda Johnson, PhD, Relationship between Pain Relief and Secondary Outcomes: An ACCURATE Sub- Analysis, Poster and Oral Presentation, North American Neuromodulation Society National Meeting, Las Vegas 2016-2017
Peter Staats, MD, Timothy R. Deer, MD, Robert M. Levy, MD, PhD , Jeffrey Kramer, PhD, Lawrence Poree, MD, PhD, MPH, Kasra Amirdelfan, MD, Eric Grigsby, MD, Peter Staats, MD, Allen W Burton, MD, Abram H Burgher, MD, Jon Obray, MD, James Scowcroft, MD, Stan Golovac, MD, Leonardo Kapural, MD, PhD, Richard Paicius, MD, Christopher Kim, MD, Jason Pope, MD, Thomas Yearwood, MD, PhD, Sam Samuel,
MD, W. Porter McRoberts, MD, Hazmer Cassim, DO, Mark Netherton, MD, Nathan Miller, MD, Michael Schaufele, MD, Edward Tavel, MD, Timothy Davis, MD, Alexander R. Kent, PhD, Adil Raza, MS, Linda Johnson, PhD, Nagy Mekhail, MD, PhD. Comparing Effectiveness of Spinal Cord Stimulation and Dorsal Root Ganglion Stimulation: An ACCURATE Sub-Analysis, Poster and Oral Presentation, North American Neuromodulation Society National Meeting, Las Vegas 2016-2017
McRoberts WP, Sein M, Kim C, Naftulin S, Apostol C, Abdul H, A Novel Implantable Peripheral Nerve Stimulator for Post-Stroke Shoulder Pain, Poster and Oral Presentation, North American Neuromodulation Society National Meeting, Las Vegas 2016-2017
McRoberts WP, Diagnosis and Treatment of Failed Knee Surgery Syndrome, The Joint Harvard and Holy Cross Research in Orthopedics Symposium, Fort Lauderdale, Feb 2017.
McRoberts WP, The Use of High Frequency Dorsal Column Stimulation in Man: a Review of the Senza 2 Year Data for Failed Back Surgery Syndrome, Pain Society of the Carolinas, Asheville Sept, 2016
Pope J, Poree L, McRoberts WP, Falowski S, Deer T. Consent Decree: Physician and Institution Ramifications? Neuromodulation. 2015 Dec;18(8):653-6. doi: 10.1111/ner.12374.
McRoberts, WP, Bioness Stimrouter Use in Shoulder Hand Syndrome and Djerrine-Roussy Syndrome Didactic and Proctored Operative Implantation. New York University and Cornell University, Aug, 2016
McRoberts WP, Hip and Genicular Nerve Radio Frequency Ablation: Moderator, PAIN 2016, Nassau, Bahamas.
McRoberts WP, Initiation of Research in your Practice, PAIN 2016, Nassau, Bahamas.
McRoberts WP, The Cost of Inaction: Measuring the risk of non-treatment, activity modification and
conservative care on patient outcomes, lost wages, morbidity and mortality. PAIN 2016: Nassau Bahamas. McRoberts WP, Efficacy, Safety and Patient Selection of devices and drugs in Intrathecal Therapy. PAIN
2016, Nassau, Bahamas.
McRoberts WP, Point / Counterpoint – Patients with existing Intrathecal pain pumps who are due for replacement – logic behind staying with the same system or switching to a new system? PAIN 2016, Nassau, Bahamas.
Amirdelfan K, McRoberts WP, Treatment of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome with 10 kHz Spinal Cord Stimulation: Two Case Reports. World Institute of Pain Meeting, 2016 New York, New York
McRoberts WP, The Cost of Inaction: Measuring the risk of non-treatment, activity modification and conservative care on patient outcomes, lost wages, morbidity and mortality. Florida Society of Interventional Pain Physicians Annual Meeting, 2016
McRoberts WP, Ultra-High frequency peripheral nerve stimulation for post amputation intractable neuroma. Florida Society of Interventional Pain Physicians Annual Meeting, 2016
McRoberts WP, Apostol C, Ashe M, Diagnostic and Treatment Algorithm for Chronic Post Total Knee Arthroplasty Pain. Florida Society of Interventional Pain Physicians Annual Meeting Poster 2nd Place Winner, 2016
McRoberts WP, Non-operative Management of Neck Pain and Cervical Radiculopathy: What treatment
protocol is rational and effective? First Annual Marcus Neurosciences Symposium on Degenerative Disease of the Spine: Diagnosis and Management. March, 2016
McRoberts WP, Optimizing Stimulation in a Case of Facial Pain Through 'Cross-Talk' of Peripheral and Central Leads: A Case Report, Neuromodulation, 18 MAY 2016 | DOI: 10.1111/ner.12443
Pope J, Poree L., McRoberts W.P., Falowski S., Deer T., Guest Editorial: 2015 Consent Degree, Physician and Institutional Ramifications? Neuromodulation 2015; 18: 653-656.
McRoberts WP, Emerging Technologies in Neuromodulation, 2015 NANS- North American Neuromodulation Society Meeting, Las Vegas NV
McRoberts WP, The Evidence for Peripheral Neuromodulation in Back Pain, 2015 NANS- North American Neuromodulation Society Meeting, Las Vegas NV
Pope J, Provenzano D, McRoberts WP, Deer TR. The Proper Use of Neurostimulation for Hand Pain., Hand Clin. 2016 Feb;32(1):81-90.
McRoberts WP, Deer TR, Abejon D, Barolat G. (2016) Stimulation of the Extraspinal Peripheral Nervous System. In T.R. Deer, J.E. Pope (Eds.) Atlas of Implantable Therapies for Pain Management (pp 171-183). New York, NY: Springer Science.
Deer TR, Pope JE, McRoberts WP , Verrills P, Bowman R. (2016) Peripheral Nerve Stimulation of the Treatment of Knee Pain. In T.R. Deer, J.E. Pope (Eds.) Atlas of Implantable Therapies for Pain Management (pp 185-190). New York, NY: Springer Science.
McRoberts WP, (2016) X-Ray Safety. In Pope J.E. (Ed) Treatment of Chronic Pain Conditions: Comprehensive Quick Reference Handbook New York, NY: Springer Science.
McRoberts WP, (2016) Facet Medial Branch Block. In Pope J.E. (Ed) Treatment of Chronic Pain Conditions: Comprehensive Quick Reference Handbook New York, NY: Springer Science.
McRoberts WP, (2016) Facet Medial Branch Ablation. In Pope J.E. (Ed) Treatment of Chronic Pain Conditions: Comprehensive Quick Reference Handbook New York, NY: Springer Science.
McRoberts WP, Wu PW, (2016) Percutaneous Image-Guided Lumbar Decompression (PILD) Indications. In Pope J.E. (Ed) Treatment of Chronic Pain Conditions: Comprehensive Quick Reference Handbook New York, NY: Springer Science.
McRoberts WP, Wu PW, (2016) Percutaneous Image-Guided Lumbar Decompression (PILD) Decompression Procedure. In Pope J.E. (Ed) Treatment of Chronic Pain Conditions: Comprehensive Quick Reference Handbook New York, NY: Springer Science.
McRoberts WP, Wu PW, (2016) Percutaneous Image-Guided Lumbar Decompression (PILD): Follow-ip and Risk Management. In Pope J.E. (Ed) Treatment of Chronic Pain Conditions: Comprehensive Quick Reference Handbook New York, NY: Springer Science.
McRoberts WP, Pope J, Apostol C., Reinstituting the Bolus - New Reasoning for an Existing Technique.
Pope J, McRoberts WP, Deer T, Poree L., Are Bolus Dosing Strategies the Intrathecal Version of Novel Waveforms With Spinal Cord Stimulation? Neuromodulation. 2015 Dec;18(8):776-7. doi: 10.1111/ner.12375.
Pope JE, Deer TR, Amirdelfan K, McRoberts WP, Azeem N. The Pharmacology of Spinal Opioids and Ziconotide for the Treatment of Non-Cancer Pain. Curr Neuropharmacol. 2016 Feb 10
Pope J. Deer T. McRoberts WP., Intrathecal Therapy: The Burden of Being Positioned as a Salvage Therapy. Pain Medicine, April, 2015
McRoberts WP, “Neuromodulation: An Evidence Based Update of the Field: Peripheral Nerve Field
Stimulation” American Academy of Pain Medicine's 31st Annual Meeting, March 19-22, 2015 Washington D.C., MD
“Neuromodulation of the Peripheral Nerves: A Review of the Prospective Literature and Registry Data” W. Porter McRoberts, MD, International Neuromodulation Society Meeting, Montreal, Quebec June 2015
Radiofrequency Rhizotomy for Spinal and Extra-spinal Pain Syndromes. Invited Lecturer, St. Jude.
W. Porter McRoberts, MD, International Neuromodulation Society Meeting, Montreal, Quebec June 201
Amirdelfan K, McRoberts P, Deer TR. The differential diagnosis of low back pain: a primer on the evolving paradigm. Neuromodulation. 2014 Oct;17 Suppl 2:11-7. doi: 10.1111/ner.12173.
N. Mekhail, MD, PhD, S. Brogan, MD, J. Hatheway, MD, P. McRoberts, MD, M. Verdolin, MD, L. Stearns, MD, R. Bolash, MD, T Deer, MD, P. Staats, MD Characterization of Personal Therapy Manager Use by Patients with Chronic Pain, North American Neuromodulation Society Meeting, Las Vegas 2014
McRoberts WP, Citrin, ML, Whisner S. Axillary Nerve Stimulation for Post-Stroke Shoulder Pain. Poster: North American Neuromodulation Society Meeting, Las Vegas 2015
Pope JE, McRoberts WP, Deer TR, Randomized, Prospective Study to Assess the Safety of a Novel Intrathecal Bolus-only Delivery Strategy as Compared to Traditional, Simple Slow Continuous Delivery. Poster North Amercian Neuromodulaiton Society Annual Meeting, 2014, Las Vegas NV
McRoberts WP, Whisner S, Ashe M, Cross Talk Of Spinal Cord Stimulation With Peripheral Nerve Stimulation For The Treatment Of Facial Pain: 21-Month Follow-Up. Poster: North American Neuromodulation Society Meeting, Las Vegas 2014
McRoberts WP, Whisner S, Ashe M, Prospective Evaluation Of The Objective Measurement Of Neuromodulation On Function Via Accelerometer. Poster: North American Neuromodulation Society Meeting, Las Vegas 2014
The Data and Rationale for Spinal Cord Stimulation: A Review of the NACC: Neuromodulation Appropriateness Consensus Committee publications. October 2014, South Florida Pain Group.
Beal DP, McRoberts WP, Berven SH, Ledlie JT, Tutton SM, Analysis of and Response to an Analysis of Percutaneous Kyphoplasty Published in the Hayes Directory on April 23, 2012, American Journal of Neuroradiology, 2014 awaiting press.
Expert Panel: Lumbar Surgery for Low Back Pain. Who is a Candidate and What Else Can We Do? ,Pain Education Society, Puerto Rico, June 2014
Neuromodulation for Joint Pain, Pain Education Society, WVSIPP, Puerto Rico, June 2014
Expert Panel: The Future of Interventional Pain Management – what is coming on the horizon, what will be covered, what should patients and physicians expect? Pain Education Society, Puerto Rico, June 2014
Expert Panel: Personalized medicine and Pain Therapy – What do we know? What don’t we know? Pain Education Society, Puerto Rico, June 2014
Beall DP, McRoberts WP, Berven SH, Ledlie JT, Tutton SM, Parsons BP. Critique of the Analysis of UpToDate.com on the Treatment of Painful Vertebral Compression Fractures: Time to Update UpToDate. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 2014 Nov 20.
Percutaneous Peripheral Nerve Stimulation: The State of the Science 2013. Podium Presentation, North American Neuromodulation Society Annual Meeting, Las Vegas NV 2013
Ultrasound Guided Peripheral Nerve Stimulation: The State of the Science 2013. Podium Presentation, North American Neuromodulation Society Annual Meeting, Las Vegas NV 2013
Use of Spinal Cord Stimulation as Treatment for General Body Pain Secondary to Gaucher’s Disease W. Porter McRoberts, MD, Kevin Verde, BA, and Suzanne Y. Whisner, MS, Holy Cross Hospital, Neurological and Spine Institute, Fort Lauderdale, FL, Poster, North American Neuromodulation Society Annual Meeting, Las Vegas NV 2013
Retrospective Analysis of Spinal Cord Stimulation Amplitudes Versus Peripheral Nerve Field Stimulation Amplitudes, W. Porter McRoberts, MD, Shanell Disla, BS, Leonardo Villarroel, BS, and Suzanne Y. Whisner, MS, Holy Cross Hospital, Neurological and Spine Institute, Fort Lauderdale, FL, Poster, North American Neuromodulation Society Annual Meeting, Las Vegas NV 2013
PNfS Stimulation in a Cross-Talk Configuration for Pain Relief of Symptoms Secondary to Interstitial Cystitis, W. Porter McRoberts, MD, Kevin Verde, BA, and Suzanne Y. Whisner, MS, Holy Cross Hospital, Neurological and Spine Institute, Fort Lauderdale, FL, Poster, North American Neuromodulation Society Annual Meeting, Las Vegas NV 2013
SAFETY AND EFFECTIVENESS OF THE STIMROUTER NEUROMODULATION SYSTEM Preliminary Results of a Multi-center Prospective Randomized Double Blinded Study, R. Benyamin, T. McJunkin, D. Caraway, T. Deer, L. Kapural, N.Mekhail, W. McRoberts, R. Levy, M.Kolopp, Poster, North American Neuromodulation Society Annual Meeting, Las Vegas NV 2013
Relationship of Anode-Cathode Distance and Paresthesia Coverage in Peripheral Nerve Field Stimulation for Back Pain. W. Porter McRoberts, MD, and Suzanne Y. Whisner, MS, Holy Cross Hospital, Neurological and Spine Institute, Fort Lauderdale, FL, Poster, North American Neuromodulation Society Annual Meeting, Las Vegas NV 2013
Effects of Electrode Depth in Peripheral Nerve Field Stimulation for Back Pain, W. Porter McRoberts, MD, and Suzanne Y. Whisner, MS, Holy Cross Hospital, Neurological and Spine Institute, Fort Lauderdale, FL., Poster, North American Neuromodulation Society Annual Meeting, Las Vegas NV 2013
McRoberts WP, Webster L, Opioids for Chronic Non-Cancer Pain. Pro: Lynn Webster MD, Con: W. Porter McRoberts MD. Pain 2013, Palm Beach Florida, July 2013.
McRoberts WP, Barolat G, Advancing neuromodulation outside the Spine: Peripheral Neuromodulatory Approaches, the Past Present and Future. Pain 2013, Palm Beach Florida, July 2013.
McRoberts WP, Percutaneous, ultra-minimally invasive surgical techniques for posterior decompression of spinal stenosis. Third International Conference on Interventional Pain Medicine and Neuromodulation, Warsaw, Poland June, 2013
McRoberts WP, Goroszeniuk T, Peripheral Nerve Stimulation for the treatment of joint pain. First International Symposium on Peripheral Neuromodulation, Warsaw, Poland June 2013
McRoberts WP, Cairns KD. A Novel approach to paddle lead placement for occipital neuralgia: Use of the Epiducer lead placement system for paddle GON placement. International Neuromodulation Society 2013, Berlin.
McRoberts WP. Cervical Spinal Cord Stimulation and Trigeminal Facial Stimulation: Cross-Talk for Facial Pain in Facial Neuralgias. International Neuromodulation Society 2013, Berlin
McRoberts WP. Wolkowitz RM, Meyer DJ, Lipov EG, Joshi J, Davis B, Cairns KD, Barolat G. Peripheral Nerve Field Stimulation for the Management of Localized Chronic Intractable Back Pain: Results from a Randomized Controlled Study. Neuromodulation, Technology at the Neural Interface, 2013; 16:565-575.
McRoberts WP, Goroszeniuk T. Peripheral Neuromodulatory Approaches for Articular Pain. First Annual International Peripheral Neuromodulation Symposium 2013, Warsaw, Poland.
McRoberts WP. Peripheral Neuromodulation: A Current state of affairs. First Annual International Peripheral Neuromodulation Symposium 2013, Warsaw, Poland.
McRoberts WP, Barolat G. Surgical and Percutaneous approaches to peripheral Neuromodulation. WVSIPP. Palm Beach, Florida 2013.
McRoberts WP, Wu PW, Bentley I. Effect of a Novel Fixation Method for Spinal Cord Stimulators: Spinal Cord Stimulation Incision Size. Neuromodulation: Technology at the Neural Interface. 2012 Sep 18. doi: 10.1111/j.1525-1403.2012.00499.x.
AAPMR acadameÒ Pain Pearls Case #1: Management of Lumbar Herniated Nucleus Pulposis, webinar and lecture. 2011.
McRoberts WP, Cairns KD, Doleys DM. Spinal Cord Stimulation: Patient Selection, Psychologic Screening, Surgical Techniques and Troubleshooting. IN: Deer T, et al. (eds) COMPREHENSIVE TREATMENT OF CHRONIC PAIN BY MEDICAL, INTERVENTIONAL, AND INTEGRATIVE APPROACHES ,The American Academy of Pain Medicine Textbook on Patient Management
McRoberts WP, Cairns KD, Current Surgical Options for the Treatment of Cervical and Lumbar Degenerative Disc Disease, IN: Kapural L (ed) Diagnosis, Management, & Treatment of Discogenic Pain, Elsevier, Philadelphia, 2011.
Pain Education Society-WVSIPP, Spinal Cord Stimulation: Classic Uses and Proven Concepts New Horizons, Provocative and Future Use. Miami, June 2012.
Cleveland Clinic 14th Annual Pain Medicine Meeting, Peripheral Nerve Field Stimulation for Low Back Pain. Las Vegas, Jan, 2012
McRoberts WP, Current Surgical Options for Intervertebral Disc Herniation in the Cervical and Lumbar Spine in Diagnosis, Management and Treatment of Discogenic Pain, Deer, Timothy Ed. Elsevier: Philadelphia, 2012.
Cleveland Clinic 14th Annual Pain Medicine Meeting, The Role of Percutaneous Epidural Neuroplasty (Adhesiolysis) in the Treatment of Low Back and Leg Pain. Las Vegas, Jan, 2012
Current Treatment Options: Post Herpetic Neuralgia, Pain Pathways Magazine, March 2011,
Peripheral Nerve and Peripheral Nerve Field Stimulation for the Painful Extremity, McRoberts WP, Cairns KD, IN: Slavin K, (ed) Prog Neurol Surg. 2011;24:156-70. Epub 2011 Mar 21.Peripheral Nerve Stimulation for Truncal Pain, Cairns KD, McRoberts WP, IN: Slavin K, (ed) Prog Neurol Surg 2011;24:58-69. Epub 2011 Mar 21
Randomized Controlled Trial to Evaluate Peripheral Nerve Field Stimulation Using Subcutaneous Placement of Neurostimulation Leads in the Treatment of Localized Chronic Intractable Pain of the Lumbar Area. Wolkowitz, RM, Meyer DJ, McRoberts WP, Lipov EG, Joshi J, Davis B, Cairns KD, Barolat G. Oral and Poster Presentation, International Neuromodulation Society Meeting 2010, London England.
Novel Programming Techniques in Peripheral Nerve Field Stimulation PNfS for the Treatment of Chronic Knee Pain Following Knee Surgery, Poster Presentation: North American Neuromodulation Society Annual Meeting 2010
Combined Spinal Cord and Peripheral Nerve Field Stimulation for the Control of Chronic Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS), Poster Presentation: North American Neuromodulation Society Annual Meeting 2010
Revision Techniques in Peripheral Nerve Filed Stimulation, Poster Presentation: North American Neuromodulation Society Annual Meeting 2010
Cervical Spinal Cord Stimulation For Lumbar Failed Back Surgery Syndrome: a Case Report, Poster Presentation: North American Neuromodulation Society Annual Meeting 2010
Chronic Refractory Temporomandibular Joint Pain Well Treated With Peripheral Field Nerve Stimulation, Poster Presentation: North American Neuromodulation Society Annual Meeting 2010
A Case Report of Successful Implantation of a Peripheral Nerve Field Stimulator System in a Cachecticly Thin Man With a Comfortable IPG Pocket Despite Extreme Superficiality, Poster Presentation: North American Neuromodulation Society Annual Meeting 2010
DEPTH: A Retrospective Study Evaluating the Effects of Electrode Depth and Spacing for Peripheral Nerve Field Stimulation in Patients with Back Pain. McRoberts WP, Cairns KD. Industry Supported Research, Poster Presentation: North American Neuromodulation Society Annual Meeting 2010
Placement of a Peripheral Nerve Stimulator for Successful Treatment of Intractable Tremor Following Peripheral Nerve Injury, W. Porter McRoberts MD, Anil Samson MBBS; Holy Cross Hospital, Fort Lauderdale, FL; Kevin Cairns, MD, MPH; South Florida Spine Clinic, Fort Lauderdale, FL, Poster Presentation North American Neuromodulation Conference 2009
Combination Thoracic Spinal Cord Stimulation and Peripheral Subcutanous Field Stimulator for Intractable Post-Thoracotomy Pain Syndrome, W. Porter McRoberts MD, Paul Wu MD, Anil Samson MBBS; Holy Cross Hospital, Fort Lauderdale, FL; Kevin Cairns, MD, MPH; South Florida Spine Clinic, Fort Lauderdale, FL. Poster Presentation North American Neuromodulation Conference 2009
Three Anode, Single Cathode “3A1C”: A Case Report of Three Patients With Four Lead Peripheral Nerve Field Stimulation (PNfS) Systems Using Novel Programming Parameters., W. Porter McRoberts MD, Holy Cross Hospital, Fort Lauderdale, FL; Kevin Cairns, MD, MPH; South Florida Spine Clinic, Fort Lauderdale, FL, Poster Presentation North American Neuromodulation Conference 2009
A Retrospective Evaluation and Data Collection Study to Evaluate the Treatment of Chronic Pain Patients with Neurostimulation using a Combination of Epidural and Subcutaneous Peripheral Field Leads, Wolkowitz, RM, Meyer DJ, McRoberts WP, Lipov EG, Joshi J, Davis B, Cairns KD, Barolat G.Industry Supported, Poster Presentation North American Neuromodulation Conference 2009
A prospective, multicenter, randomized, controlled trial of percutaneous peripheral field neuromodulation for the treatment of chronic, refractory axial low back pain in failed back surgery syndrome. Industry Supported, Poster Presentation North American Neuromodulation Conference 2009, American Academy of Pain Medicine in San Antonio on February 3rd-6th, 2010.
Peripheral Nerve Field Stimulator (PNfS) Lead Placement for the Treatment of Chronic Post-operative Flank Pain Kevin Cairns MD, MPH; Cami Dunham PA-C, South Florida Spine Clinic, Fort Lauderdale, FL; W. Porter McRoberts MD, Holy Cross Hospital, Fort Lauderdale, FL., Poster Presentation North American Neuromodulation Conference 2009
“Tenting” Technique for the Placement of Electrical Leads for Peripheral Nerve Field Stimulation, Kevin D. Cairns MD, MPH; South Florida Spine Clinic, Fort Lauderdale, FL; W. Porter McRoberts MD, Holy Cross Hospital, Fort Lauderdale, FL; Cami Dunham PA, SFSC Fort Lauderdale, FL; Giancarlo Barolat MD, Barolat Institute, Denver, Colorado; and Timothy Deer MD, The Center for Pain Relief, Charleston, West Virginia. Poster Presentation North American Neuromodulation Conference 2009
The Placement of Four Versus Two Peripheral Nerve Field Stimulator Leads for the Treatment of Chronic Axial Low Back Pain. Kevin Cairns, MD, MPH; South Florida Spine Clinic, Fort Lauderdale, FL Cami Dunham PA-C South Florida Spine Clinic, W. Porter McRoberts MD; Holy Cross Hospital, Fort Lauderdale, FL; Poster Presentation North American Neuromodulation Conference 2009
Placement of Cervical and Lumbar Peripheral Nerve Field Stimulator (PNfS) leads for widespread pain secondary to Scheuermann’s Syndrome. Kevin Cairns MD, MPH; Cami Dunham PA, South Florida Spine Clinic, Fort Lauderdale, FL; W. Porter McRoberts MD, Holy Cross Hospital, Fort Lauderdale, FL; Poster Presentation North American Neuromodulation Conference 2009
McRoberts WP, Roche M. Novel approach for peripheral subcutaneous field stimulation for the treatment of severe, chronic knee joint pain after total knee arthroplasty. Neuromodulation: Technology at the Neural Interface,2010, 13: 131–136. doi: 10.1111/j.1525-1403.2009.00255.
McRoberts, W. Porter, Sears, Robert. Meditations on the Iconography of the Stethoscope, Semiotics Yearbook 1998, Spinks, CW and Deely, J, Eds. 1999:Peter Lang Publishers Inc.
Nelson, K., Baranowska-Kortylewicz, J., van Nagell, J.R., Gallion, H.H., Donaldson, E.S. & Kenady, D.E., McRoberts, W. P. & Pavlik, E.J. Intermolecular Engagement of Estrogen Receptors Indicated by the Formation of a High Molecular Weight Complex During Activation. Biochemistry 28: 9741-9749, 1989.

Talks and informal Presentations:

Spine and Wellness Centers of America Expo Miami: Peripheral Nerve Stimulation Using Percutaneous Sprint System Data Analysis May, 2023.
Faculty: Training Launch of Aurora STX/ Sacroiliac Joint Fusion Zip51 Lumbar Posterior Arthrodesis, Austin TX, October/2023
Faculty: Review of the 5 year prospective Vertiflex Superion Data and Hands on Cadaver Training for Superion Interspinous Spacer Implant system
Is 80% pain relief too much to hope for? The future of neuromodulation and evolving pain medical paradigms. Dinner with the Doctor, Holy Cross Hospital, October 2015.
Antifragility: The arising conceptual framework for Pain Medicine. Dinner with the Doctor, Holy Cross Hospital, November 2014.
Mechanisms of Action in Spinal Cord Stimulation, Neuromodulation for the Advanced Pain Fellow, St. Jude Medical, Dallas, TX April 25th, 2014
Neuromodulation for the Advanced Pain Fellow, St. Jude Medical, Dallas, Tx April 25th, 2014, Course Director.
Neuromodulation and The MRI: Magnetic Resonance Imaging Unit, Washington DC, Nov, 18, 2013 Advanced Neuromodulation Techniques Course Faculty, Chicago IL, October 2013
Pain Fellows Introduction to Neuromodulaton Techniques Course, Dallas TX, September, 2013
Advanced Neuromodulation Techniques Course Faculty: San Diego, Spring 2013.
St. Jude Medical Neuromodulation, Cleveland Clinic 15th Annual Pain Symposium Dinner: Spinal Cord Stimulation, New Technologies, Paddle vs Percutaneous Approaches and Management of Complications. Sarasota 2013.
St. Jude Medical Neuromodulation, American Society of Regional Anesthesia Dinner: Spinal Cord Stimulation, Management of Complications, and new technologies. Miami, 2012.
North American Neuromodulation Society, NANS 2011 Poster Meeting Awards Committee
St. Jude Medical Neuromodulation, Course Moderator, Epiducer Surgical Training, December, 2011, Las Vegas.
St. Jude Medical Neuromodulation, Course Moderator, Epiducer Surgical Training, October, 2011, AOA, Chicago, IL.
Understanding Minimally Invasive Lumbar Decompression and Laminotomy, First Coast Service Options/ CMS, June 2011.
St. Jude Medical Neuromodulation Moderator Foundations in Neuromodulation Pain Education Society June 2011, July 2011.
Options for treating chronic pain resulting from post-knee replacement and failed back surgery syndrome, Pain Education Society/WVSIPP Meeting, Huntington Beach CA June 2011
Opioid Toxicity in the Acute Inpatient Setting: Grand Rounds Holy Cross Hospital, May 2011.
St. Jude Medical Neuromodulation Moderator/Speaker Foundations in Neuromodulation Cleveland Clinic Pain Meeting March 2011
Opioid Toxicity in the Acute Inpatient Setting: Grand Rounds Holy Cross Hospital, December 2010. Peripheral Field Neuromodulation Advisory Board, Las Vegas Dec, 2010
Neuromodulation Physician Leadership Roundtable, Scottsdale AZ November, 2010
Vertos Medical, Minimally Invasive Lumbar Decompression Training (MILD) April 24-25, 2010
St. Jude Medical Neuromodulation Faculty and Course Moderator– April 17, 2010, Feb. 19-20, 2010
St. Jude Medical Neuromodulation Speaker/Moderator Foundations in Neuromodulation Cleveland Clinic Meeting 2010 March 6th, 2010
St. Jude Medical NMD Product Training, Faculty and Course Moderator– January 22-24, 2010
Percutaneous Thoracic and Lumbar Facet Fusion Training, September, 2009
Overview of Spinal Cord Stimulation: Florida Association of Physician Assistants, July 23, 2009
Peripheral Nerve Field Stimulation Round Table, Moderator March 13, 2009
Minimally Invasive Tru-Fuse Facet Fusion Training, August 2008
Advances In Non-Surgical Low Back Pain Management, Dinner with the Doctor, October 2008
Theory and Technique: Implantable Pain Therapies Workshop: Medtronic, Oct. 8 &9, 2005.
Frontiers of Neuromodulation Workshop: Advanced Neuromodulation Systems, Oct. 22nd & 23rd, 2005.
Pain syndromes in Adults with Spina Bifida and Menigomyelocele: a retrospective clinical review and case series. June 2005.
The Physical Examination of the Painful Knee-February 2005
The Physical Examination of the Lumbar Spine for the Primary Care Physician: When to Refer. February
A Critical Review of the Evidence for Hyperbaric Oxygenation-January 2005
American Pain Society Meeting-May 2004
2004-2005 American Pain Society/ Canadian Pain Society Meeting
Kinesiology, Injury and Rehabilitation of the Dancing Lower Extremity-April, 2004
The Kinesiology of Normal Ga